PBS4L and Bounce Back Update


PBS4L is Positive Behaviour Support for Learning. It is a school wide positive behaviour support approach that  aims to develop social and learning outcomes. It supports us with teaching our school  “Be Safe”,and “Be Respectful” and  “Be a Learner”. Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 6.39.55 pm.png

When students display these agreements they earn “Like It” tokens within the classroom and on the playground and are told what agreement they were displaying to receive the token.

In order to teach the children the actions required for each of these agreements the children are given teaching prompts and reminders throughout the day to focus them back onto the learning and show the what the expected actions should be like.

Students participate in lessons with their teachers to discuss what it looks like, sounds like and feels like when they are displaying the 3 agreements across the school.  Students have been earning “Like It” tokens in their learning spaces and on the playground for displaying our school agreements.   

Last year after meeting with our colleagues from the Behaviour and Wellbeing Team, we revised how we support children with their actions and we updated our whole school consequence system.  As part of PBS4L we aim to have transparency and clarity and consistency about how we approach inappropriate behaviours. This system has been discussed with the children and they are aware of each of the steps.

The students will be prompted by the teachers on how to be safe, respectful and a leaner. When the behaviour persists students will be given a reminder from the teacher explaining the behaviour that warranted the reminder. On the third reminder the child will be asked to complete a reflection sheet in another classroom. The reflection sheet will ask the students to name what agreements they have broken and what their behaviour will look like next time. At this point a blue note will be completed and a brief discussion will happen between the parent and the teacher. If a student has 3 blue notes a meeting will be organised with the classroom teacher and Assistant Principal.

The “blue note” is a form that is filled in to note the location of an incident, the time of an incident, who is involved and possible reason for the incident. The forms are collated and tracked on a central database at school. We discuss these at staff meetings and develop strategies to help our students develop positive behaviours. We reward positive behaviours with our “like it” tokens and our assembly award system. Each child receives a token or award and teachers are explicit in communicating what we liked about the positive behaviour.  

Bounce Back

Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 9.34.00 am.pngIf you are resilient you are able to cope reasonably well with difficult situations and things that go wrong and then ‘bounce back’. Throughout life children will need skills and attitudes to help them to bounce back. They will encounter everyday challenges such as making mistakes, falling out with a friend, moving house or school and losing in a sports competition. Many will also face challenges such as adapting to family breakdowns, a step-family, the illness or death of a family member, or being bullied.

Ways you can help you children BOUNCE BACK!


The program can help your child to get better at:

  • Using helpful thinking when faced with a problem or a difficult situation

  • Thinking more optimistically, i.e. expecting bad times to get better 

  • Understanding that everyone has setbacks and difficulties, not just them 

  • Talking to people they trust so they get a reality check on their thinking

  • Being brave and facing their fears

  • Managing strong emotions and turning a bad mood into a good mood 

  • Getting along with others and cooperating

  • Setting goals, being resourceful and not easily giving up

  • Being kind, fair, honest, friendly, responsible, and accepting of differences

  • Respecting other people and not bullying others.   


You can help your child get the best out of their involvement with Bounce Back! if you reinforce the key messages they are learning.