Supporting Student Wellbeing

St Finbar’s has a very strong sense of mission as a community founded in the Gospel values. This is actively lived through our care of one another.

We have a strong partnership with the parish to ensure the care of all within this community and there are many initiatives to promote respect and responsibility.

Our Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBS4L) program promotes an environment where we are all learners, we are all respectful and we conduct ourselves in a safe manner.

At St Finbar's, we explicitly teach students expectations of behaviour so that there was a clear and universal understanding by the whole school community. The teaching has a positive focus, describing and modelling the quality behaviour expected from our children.

These behaviours are reinforced at assemblies, in newsletters and in visuals around the school. Students can earn assembly awards for displaying behaviours of being a learner, being respectful and being safe, as well as tokens for their class.

Our student leaders are exceptional role models in promoting positive behaviour. Our Year 6 leaders include school and vice captains, sports captains, mission leaders, PBS4L leaders and environmental leaders and buddies.

At the completion of a students' primary school years awards are presented to students who lived out positive behaviours and were active citizens in the wider community.

At a school level, we are additionally blessed to have an active Pastoral Care group led by parents. This group can assist with meals at times of need and other practical needs when families or individuals find themselves needing ‘a helping hand.’









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